
  1. CIS 155 - Dakota Mousseau Summary

    In the course of this version of the project, I have created a few different pages. I have my About page which this is displayed on, my index, or home, page which includes the image of an arcade and also links to another page only accessible from their, the activities page which provides links that don't currently have a destination, however they are the activities at the entertainment center. I also have my citations page which currently only contains the link to the url of the image I found on Trip Advisor. My CSS file makes the background grey, removes the underlines from links, makes the header black, and also changes the font size and color and padding of certain elements in my webpage.

  2. CIS 155 - Dakota Mousseau Summary

    In the course of this version of the project, I have included images in my activities page that link to other areas, currently only the laser tag image links to a page though, which is the new page I have added it has a background image and gradients and I added more links to my citations page. I made the about page contain an ordered list to indicate which version of the project the summary is for. The home page I created an image map on top of the entire image presented that links to the activities page. I also changed the color of my text, edited the links to change based on hover, active, etc. I also created more css files to help organize the styles that I have added.

  3. CIS 155 - Dakota Mousseau Summary

    In the course of this version of the project, I have changed the radial gradients to be linear gradients which I like much better. I also changed my citations into a list so they display less clustered together. I added pictures to the laser tag page to show what the rooms "look like". Also, I made a pull down menu that displays the activities beneath the activities link, and each displayed activity itself also links to their respective page. In the laser tag page, I added a flex box to include the figures and the paragraph so that the paragraph only takes up 10% of the screen, and the figures take up the rest of that row. And then I also added a table on the laser tag page to show the prices for 1, 2, 5, and 10 rounds for specific groups and specials.

  4. CIS 155 - Dakota Mousseau Summary

    In the course of this version of the project, I changed all my images to be from publicdomainpictures.net, and I made it be shown in the rendered content of the page. I also noted in the footer that the website is fictitious. I fixed my media queries and fixed the container collapse on my table. I added an iframe element to my main page which displays a map for users to "find" a Wolf Den near them. I also made it so all my site navigation links transition from a grey background to a blue background when hovered over.